Procurement Policy
Appeals and RemediesBonding RequirementsContract AdministrationContract ClausesContract Pricing and Arrangements Contractor Qualifications and DutiesCost and Price Analysis (CPA)Delegation of Contracting AuthorityDocumentationEquipment and Vehicle PurchasingEthics in Public ContractingGeneral ProvisionsIndependent Cost Estimate (ICE)IntroductionProcurement MethodsProcurement PlanningSolicitaion and AdvertisingSpecificaitons
Contract Administration
13.1 General. The Agency shall maintain a system of contract administration designed to ensure that Contractors perform in accordance with their contracts. These systems shall provide for inspection of supplies, services, or construction, as well as monitoring contractor performance, status reporting on major projects including construction contracts, and similar matters. For cost-reimbursement contracts, costs are allowable only to the extent that they are consistent with the cost principles in HUD Handbook 2210.18.